About Me
My mother always had unprocessed films in her make-up bag covered in old blusher powder and lipstick. I was always so desperate for her to develop them. The excitement of collecting a new packet of prints from the shop was something I loved, how could anyone wait a whole week for them to be developed? My eagerness was then compelled even more when the shop began to give away free plastic cameras with each order. That was it, I collected all five different colours and kept the pink one as best and I took the green one to pieces to find out how it worked. I was none the wiser, but that did not stop me, I was hooked.
In my mid- twenties I changed my bedroom into a mini Darkroom and started developing my own prints. I would sleep on the sofa for days while I perfected my final print. There was nothing like watching the photo slowly develop in the tray and thinking I made that.
A year later I started my training at ‘Central St Martins college of art’. On the first day I remember the tutor asking the whole year if anyone wanted to be a wedding photographer, I was the only one that raised my hand knowing that this was my sole aim. Since qualifying I have worked freelance and photographed weddings of all religions and sizes. I have also had the opportunity to meet some amazing people, travel and see my commissions in print. I am loving every minute.